The primary purpose of the Undergraduate Academic Advising Council (UAAC) is to foster the exchange of information among units that perform academic advising and units that support academic advising at UC Davis. The council also provides campus-wide academic advising recommendations to the Office of Academic Advising, the Vice Provost & Dean for Undergraduate Education, Division of Student Affairs and the Council of Associate Deans.
Meetings: UAAC will meet monthly during the formal academic year, September through June. Monthly meeting times will be scheduled through the office of Undergraduate Education. Meetings will be facilitated by the UAAC co-chairs. Alternates shall not be sent on a single meeting basis. However, in the event of a temporary, ongoing leave, the committee member’s home college/unit shall make a decision about sending a single consistent alternate in place of the member.
Membership: Membership is made up of representatives from each of the four undergraduate colleges, as well as representatives from units with advising functions. Chairs of other advising committees will serve as ex-officio members and provide updates, as needed. Members shall serve a minimum, two-year term with the possibility for extension. Participation on UAAC must be approved by each member’s direct supervisor, as appropriate. Participation in at least 75% of meetings is expected. Any changes to the membership composition must be approved by a simple majority vote of current UAAC members. The Academic Advising website shall specify current UAAC membership and committee co-chairs. The membership composition is not meant to be a complete representation of the advising community. However, UAAC will invite pertinent roles when discussing projects and/or topics in areas of expertise for those not represented.
Appointments: Membership shall be determined by appointment. Major and college representatives from each of the four undergraduate colleges shall be appointed by the advising director for that respective college; student affairs and non-college/non-departmental advising unit representatives shall be appointed by the respective lead of each represented unit. Faculty membership to be discussed with senate. New member appointments will be made during the month of June for a term appointment beginning in September. The Undergraduate Education Advising Assistant shall be notified at the time of new appointments. Student appointments to be discussed with ASUCD.
Co-chairs: UAAC co-chairs will make up one representative from academic affairs and one representative from student affairs. The co-chairs will be voted on in June, to serve a 10 month appointment, September through June. The co-chairs must be approved by majority vote of UAAC membership. An interim co-chair can be appointed, as needed. The co-chairs will facilitate the monthly meetings and work with the Undergraduate Education Advising Assistant to set monthly agendas.
Subcommittees: A member will chair or co-chair each subcommittee and will provide updates at monthly UAAC meetings, as needed. Subcommittee chairs or co-chairs are encouraged to work with any members of the advising community in order to support their goals and objectives.