Mustang painting in traffic circle on campus.


Launched in 2015, the UC Davis Academic Advisor Certificate supports professional development for the campus advising community and strives to engage advisors during different career stages. This certificate program is specifically tailored for current professional academic advising staff though others outside of academic advising may complete the program. You must be a UC Davis employee to participate.

UC Davis Academic Advisor Certification

The UC Davis Academic Advisor Certificate establishes a baseline of knowledge that includes an introduction to critical campus resources and technology, as well as content that covers fundamental advising concepts.  Courses have an informational competency focus aligned with the student advising competency areas, derived from NACADA’s Advisor Training Competencies.  While Academic Advising Enrichment urges all advisors to complete this foundational coursework, it is particularly important for advisors who are new to the profession or new to UC Davis.  While the certificate is not required, the Developing Deeper Advising Relationships series is a mandatory training workshop for ALL college and departmental undergraduate student advisors.

To achieve certification, you must complete the four core courses, as well as one elective course within a recommended two-year timeframe.  Registration for the UC Davis Academic Advisor Certificate coursework is available through the UC Learning Center

  1. Nuts and Bolts: Resources for Student Advisors*, 2-day workshop
  2. Developing Deeper Advising Relationships**, 4-part series 
  3. Utilizing Advising Technology
  4. Working with Distressed and Distressing Students
  5. One Elective (choose from below)
    • Advising for Global Impact: Helping Your Students Become Globally Engaged
    • Academic Standing Regulation: Policy and Practice
    • Foster Youth Ally Training
    • Foundations for Understanding International Students
    • Integrating Career Advising Into Your Advising Practice
    • International Student Advising – Undergraduate Students
    • Student Success Coaching
    • UndocuAdvocate Program for Educators

*A Nuts & Bolts course waiver is available to advisors who meet the below stipulated eligibility requirements.  To access the electronic waiver eCourse: log into the LMS via the UC Learning Center and type “Nuts Bolts Waiver” in the activity search tool. 

Eligibility requirements for the Nuts & Bolts course waiver:

  • Must have held advisor position at UC Davis for two or more years.
  • Must pass online eCourse (covering workshop content) with a minimum score of 80%.

**Mandatory for all college and departmental advisors.

Our advising colleagues across campus have been responsible for developing much of the workshop curricula. Opportunity exists for further elective course offerings. For those who may be interested in developing and facilitating a new elective course, please complete the UC Davis Academic Advisor Certificate Elective Proposal. Send completed proposals here for review by the Advisor Training and Professional Development Committee's Workshops Subcommittee.