Advisor Funding Support Program
Academic Advising Enrichment offers the possibility of support for UC Davis academic advisors' professional development pursuits via our UC Davis Academic Advisor Support Program. The application program aims to assist advisors with professional development expenses and is designed to operate in conjunction with unit support. Funding capacity shifts from year to year, based on variable budgetary resources. Applicants can receive a maximum of $750 per fiscal year (July 1-June 30) in professional development support funds from Academic Advising Enrichment. Staff and faculty NACADA award recipients are eligible to exceed the $750 fiscal year maximum allowance for travel to the corresponding conference in order to receive their award in person. Please note that there are travel awards available for NACADA related opportunities.
To be considered for professional development funding support, you must meet one of the below eligibility requirements:
- Applicant received regional or global level NACADA award for outstanding performance in an advising capacity.
- Applicant was invited as a presenter for an advising related conference.
- Applicant intends to accomplish significant programmatic or strategic objectives through attending a specific advising related conference.
- Applicant provided service to Academic Advising Enrichment through committee membership, workshop facilitation, or other relevant contribution.
- Must be current UC Davis faculty or staff member serving undergraduate students in an academic advising capacity.
- Must either be employed through one of the four undergraduate academic colleges or provide formal direct service to Academic Advising Enrichment.
- Must have approval from immediate supervisor.
- Apply via the Advisor Professional Development Support Request form and follow instructions provided within; application must be completed in full at least six weeks in advance of stipulated professional development pursuit.
- Academic Advising Enrichment will notify applicants about the status of professional development support funding decisions at least four weeks in advance of the stipulated professional development pursuit.
- Notifications on approved support funds will detail the dollar amount and the process by which the funds will be transmitted.
Funding determinations will be based upon (1) availability of funds, (2) the number of applications submitted, (3) the prioritization of award recipients, and (4) the aim for diversification of funded recipients.
Academic Advising Enrichment acknowledges that special circumstances may allow for exceptions to these terms.